Monday, January 16, 2012

Changing WiFi settings on a Dell 1012 mini with Sprint Smartview

"My computer doesn't automatically connect to my home wifi, I don't get a strong enough Sprint signal in my house and would like to use it only on the go"

Its quite simple how to  change the "Sprint Smartview settings"

Open up the program "Sprint Smart view"

Tools > Settings > Client Tab >
Uncheck "Use this as my default Wi-Fi management utility"

Then turn off the Smartview auto start function
Tools > Settings > Client Tab >
Uncheck "Start this application on machine startup"

This will make it so Windows manages WiFi and will automatically connect when on and in range, and Smartview will not start when you turn the computer on by default.

Then when you want to use the Sprint mobile broadband you just start the Smartview software and use that to connect to the 3G/4G network.


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